New Shoes! Yipppeeee!


I REALLY fell in love the second I saw these. They had my name written all over them and I can’t wait to wear them. I LOVE them and you may think they are a little wild and crazy, but I am sooooo attracted to them it is not funny. And they aren’t perfect. They are a bit different in the pattern around the toe. But no need to be perfect. I am not looking for perfect in my life…just a good ol’e pair of shoes. When hunting for shoes I thought of my roller skating queen client, Kelly, because I spotted a cool pair of canary yellow pumps!

So I like these because they are first off, PEEP TOES…new-shoes-3-of-4-copy.jpg

Peep toes are  the best thing since the crayon sharpener on the back of the 64 count Crayola Crayon box. I also like them because they make a statement and they are something you can wear with jeans, which is about the extent of my wordrobe! Also, they are super comfortable. Comfortable is sexy in my book. There is nothing worse than having a pair of shoes that are so uncomfortable they make you walk funny. Funny doesn’t equal sexy.


Just doesn’t. Also, I got them for $25 bucks…can’t beat it.

Anyway, More important stuff (like anything could be more important than finding cool shoes)


It is still being held on March 1st @ 12 Noon and it will be at my house…if you don’t know where I am then you can log into my regular website and go into my contact page and let me know you will be coming and I will give you the directions/address.

I am asking that you will bring something small to munch on, or something to drink. Either one works…I will be getting a sandwich, as I believe we will be having a pretty good number attending! Should be lots of fun! I am looking forward to it!

Have a great Wednesday!
